Frequently asked questions

Can I create multiple forms in a row?

Yes, in fact there are many possibilities to create multiple forms in a row like:

  • After submitting the first form you can redirect the user to another page which contains the second form.

  • After submitting the first form you can set a popup to appear with the second form.

It's also possible to repeat the same process to create more than 2 forms in a row.

What is the difference between megapack and flatpack?

Both are HTML templates available for sale on themeforest, FLATPACK includes a front-end builder which you need to install it on your server, whereas MEGAPACK comes with our new online builder which is available on PixFort platform and you can access it directly using envato account.

Do I have to pay a monthly subscription?

Absolutely not, you only need to purchase a licence in order to use PixFort platform, and there is no limit to your access as long as you have a valid license.

How many projects can I create?

You can create projects as many as licences you have. i.e. if you purchased 2 licences you can create 2 projects (each project requires 1 licence).

You can check this article to learn more about Licences & Projects.

Licenses & Projects explained

How to speed up your website?

Website loading speed is a priority for the overall user experience, and it’s also one of the hundreds of SEO ranking factors. Page speed may depends on many different factors, however, following the essential recommended tips will make a significant difference on page loading speed. Here you will find a list of best practices to follow when creating and optimising your website:

Images can play a major role in your site speed. They’re often very large files, which can slow down page load times. We highly recommend using appropriately sized images and make sure to compress the large images before uploading them into the page, you can use a tool like tinypng.com where you can upload your images to be compressed the download the compressed version which can you upload and use into your website.


Can I add multiple emails in custom email forms?

Yes, to do this you just need to separate the email addresses with a comma, for example: first.email@pixfort.com, second.email@pixfort.com

Last updated