Configure the Integrations Manually

You can configure the Integrations manually (Without configuring them inside your project on platform) by editing the file "/pix_mail/config.php".

You can set the default form type from the line:

$mail_type = "ce";

Where "ce" is "Custom email" Type, for other types you can use:

  • "smtp" for SMTP custom email type.

  • "mc" for mailchimp.

  • "cm" for Campaign monitor.

  • "gr" for GetResponse.

  • "aw" for AWeber.

  • "ac" for ActiveCampaign.

  • "ml" for MailerLite.

  • "fm" for FreshMail.

  • "mw" for MailWizz.

  • "sendy" for Sendy.

  • "hs" for Hubspot.

  • "ic" for iContact.

After that you can fill in the other options, for example your email address and the Subject in the fields:

$to_Email       = ""; //Replace with recipient email address
$subject        = "Lead email subject here"; //Subject line for emails

If you are using SMTP form type, you should input the following SMTP configurations:

// SMTP Settings
    define('SMTP_HOST', '');
    define('SMTP_USER', '');
    define('SMTP_PASS', 'your_password');

For the other integrations you should input the API key for any used integration in its corresponding fields:

/* Mailchimp setting. */
define('MC_APIKEY', ''); // Your API key from here -

/* Campaign Monitor setting. */
define('CM_APIKEY', ''); // Your APIKEY from here -

/* GetResponse setting. */
define('GR_APIKEY', ''); // Your API key from here -

/* AWeber setting */
define('AW_AUTHCODE', ''); // Your Authcode from here -

/* ActiveCampaign setting */
define("ACTIVECAMPAIGN_URL", ""); // API_URL : Go to My Settings - > Developers
define("ACTIVECAMPAIGN_API_KEY", ""); // API_KEY : Go to My Settings - > Developers

/* MailerLite setting */
define("MailerLite_API_KEY", ""); // API Key: Go to

/* FreshMail setting */
define ( 'FM_API_KEY', '' ); // API Key: Go to
define ( 'FM_API_SECRET', '' ); // API Secret: Go to

/* Sendloop setting */
define("Sendloop_API3_KEY", ''); // API Key
define("Sendloop_SUBDOMAIN", ''); // LIST ID (GroupID)

/* MailWizz setting */
define("Mailwizz_apiUrl", ''); // API URL, Should be (where MailWizz is installed)
define("Mailwizz_publicKey", ''); // Public Key: Go to "Api Keys" and create new key
define("Mailwizz_privateKey", ''); // Private Key: Go to "Api Keys" and get the private key

/* Sendy setting */
define("Sendy_URL", ''); // Your Sendy installation URL (without trailing slash).
define("Sendy_apikey", ''); // Your API key. Available in Sendy Settings.

/* Hubspot setting */
define("Hubspot_api", '');

/* iContact setting */
define("iContact_appId", '');
define("iContact_apiPassword", '');
define("iContact_apiUsername", '');

Last updated

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